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Boy Do They Get On Me


"And you will be hated by all account of My name, But it is the
one who has endured to the end who will be saved. But
whenever they persecute you in this city, flee to the next.
For truly I say to you, you shall not finish going through the
cities of Israel, until the son of man comes". (Matthew 10: 22,23)


Have you ever been hated by someone else I mean this person
really hated you. It could have been anything, maybe something
you said or did, that caused this hatred. It is a terrible feeling to be
the object of hate and intollerence, just ask the person of color whats
it like to be hated. But to be hated for your beliefs, for your faith, now
thats real hate. When I became a Christian I felt that hatred several
times, especially from former friends who hated the change they saw
in me. You see they were hating something they could not understand,
something they could not explain. All that hate came out on me. But
the more hatred I felt, the more persecution I experienced, the stronger


Thank you lord for your love and grace. Thank you that faith grows
stronger everyday. I pray for those who hate and persecute me.
Let that hate become love, the kind of love that is only found through

15:29 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)


"Wanting to be Saved"


"And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus,
for it is He who will save His people from their sins: (Matthew 1:21)


Do you ever feel like you are falling and you need to be saved. That
your life is a continuous mess and there is no end in sight. I really
believe that we all feel the need to be rescued at some points in our
lives. Well I would like to tell that Jesus Christ is there to save you.
You don't have to be bound by sin, and you don't have to feel like you
are falling. You don't need to be unhappy. I have discovered that when
I asked my Savior to help me, He really does. I do not have to be alone,
I do not have to keep falling. I think we get so involved with material things,
we get so involved with are own pleasures, we begin to realize that those
kind of things really don't make you happy. Every time I have found myself
in that position, I have gone to Jesus for help. You know something the
answer is always the same, I am a saved person. When I go back to
Jesus, a change comes over me. When I am in God's grace, I begin to
think about others and when I think of others I become involved, and when
I become involved I stop falling. That is a great cycle to be in. Remember
Jesus Christ is your savior and He is my savior, you don't have to keep


Jesus thank You for dying for me. Thank You for keeping me from falling.
Thank You for eternal life. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING GOD.


Prove it to me God


"This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent...
They said to Him, "What sign will you perform?" (John 6: 29,30)


It has always been fascinating to me that people who question the existence of god seem to
always want proof. I think they mentally make a list of things that God needs to do to prove
Himself. Whats sad about all this is that they can't seem to see all the wonderful things God
has already done for them . Even the people who followed Jesus and witnessed His miracles
asked for more and more proof , they were never satisfied. I have a suggestion, instead of
waiting for God to do that one thing that you demand of Him to prove Himself. Why don't
you take a look at what He has already done! I know I do and it makes a whole lot of
difference in my life.


Oh mighty God, I need no proof of you existence because Your grace is constantly
at work in my life. Help me to be ever mindful of Your presence and to always seek
Your guidance in my life. I praise You and honor You! THANK YOU GOD FOR
BEING GOD. In Jesus name amen.

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