And he cried out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on
me!" And those who were in front rebuked him, telling
him to be silent. ... (Luke 18:38-39a)
Read Luke 18:35-43
me!" And those who were in front rebuked him, telling
him to be silent. ... (Luke 18:38-39a)
Read Luke 18:35-43
Jesus is approaching Jericho. It's one of His last stops
before Jerusalem. Along the road sits a blind man
begging. Hearing a loud commotion passing by, he
asks what's going on. Someone from the crowd answers,
"Jesus of Nazareth is passing by."
before Jerusalem. Along the road sits a blind man
begging. Hearing a loud commotion passing by, he
asks what's going on. Someone from the crowd answers,
"Jesus of Nazareth is passing by."
Immediately, the beggar begins shouting at the top of his
lungs. He knows Jesus is somewhere in that crowd,
which is shuffling past him. But unlike the stranger from
the crowd he doesn't call Him "Jesus the Nazarene.
" Instead, he calls him, "Jesus, Son of David." He is
convinced that Jesus is the promised Messiah, David's
lungs. He knows Jesus is somewhere in that crowd,
which is shuffling past him. But unlike the stranger from
the crowd he doesn't call Him "Jesus the Nazarene.
" Instead, he calls him, "Jesus, Son of David." He is
convinced that Jesus is the promised Messiah, David's
Jesus indeed is the King marching on to save His people
from their enemies. Some in the crowd try to silence the
blind man, but he shouts all the louder to get Jesus'
attention. That is the character of faith: the more people
and circumstances rise up to silence us, the louder we
cry for our Lord to be merciful to us.
from their enemies. Some in the crowd try to silence the
blind man, but he shouts all the louder to get Jesus'
attention. That is the character of faith: the more people
and circumstances rise up to silence us, the louder we
cry for our Lord to be merciful to us.
We might expect Jesus to be so preoccupied with His
approaching death that He wouldn't notice a lone voice,
crying out to Him in the midst of the clamor of the crowd.
But His ears are attuned to cries for mercy from His
faithful ones. Now that He has accomplished His mission
and won complete forgiveness, we can be confident He
hears our cries for mercy and pity too.
approaching death that He wouldn't notice a lone voice,
crying out to Him in the midst of the clamor of the crowd.
But His ears are attuned to cries for mercy from His
faithful ones. Now that He has accomplished His mission
and won complete forgiveness, we can be confident He
hears our cries for mercy and pity too.
The man is blind no longer. He rises and follows Jesus on
His way.
His way.
Lord Jesus Christ, even as You were journeying toward
Your bitter death, Your ears were wide open to the pleas
of the blind man. Give me confidence that You hear my
prayers for mercy too. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Your bitter death, Your ears were wide open to the pleas
of the blind man. Give me confidence that You hear my
prayers for mercy too. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
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