Am I Useful
"The Son can do nothing of Himself.:
The Son can do nothing of Himself. You got to be kidding me, is this
really talking about Jesus, I don't think so. Boy this verse has always puzzled me. I can't really believe that Jesus can't do anything for Himself. I mean that implies that Jesus is imperfect. Well I took another look at the verse and with the Spirit's help I think I understand what it's saying here. Jesus was not only fully God He was fully human also. This tells me that as a man Jesus power flowed not from His divine nature but from His utter dependence on God. The verse states of Himself not for Himself. Since part of His nature is God, He thus is dependent upon God for His power. Jesus was always dependent on His Father, just like we are. Learn to have utter dependence on the Father, just as Jesus did. Leave it up to God to make you useful in whatever way He sees fit.
O Jesus I pray that my life may be useful as I serve you faithfully. May the world see Christ in me. Let me recognize that the measure of my usefulness is the measure of my faithfulness. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03:26 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
And the Cloud Led Them
"The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way."
(Exodus 13:21)
Have you ever watched the movie "The Ten Commandments"? Even
better have you ever read the Biblical account of the Exodus. One of the most
graphic images is the children of Israel being led through the barren wilderness
by a cloud. With this cloud before them these children of God never loose their
way. God has given us all a cloud in our lives, this cloud is the Holy Spirit. As
the cloud of Moses, the Holy Spirit is a gift from God to His trusting children.
It is there to guide us through life. As the cloud remained with the Israelites
in the wilderness, so the Holy Spirit remains with us forever. Think of it! With
the power of the Holy Spirit God Himself dwells within our hearts. When we are
led by the Spirit, our lives will be characterized by love, joy, peace, and self-
control (Galatians 5:16,22-23). We will be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ
as we travel through the wilderness of this world.
Jesus thank you for the Holy Spirit from above with all you power. Come cover
me with your love, knowing that your love will kindle mine. THANK YOU GOD
02:50 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
"While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world." (John 9:5)
Boy can I identify with this verse. When I was a kid, I had a terrible
fear of the dark. When I was in darkness I saw and heard things
that weren't there. I had a very difficult time with all of this growing
up. Darkness began to fill my night and days. Darkness became an
overwhelming fear of mine and a real worry for my parents. There was
fear around every corner. This became such a problem there was
absolutely no light in my life. Then I opened my heart to Jesus Christ,
Jesus gave me light. Christ became the light of my world. No more
fear, no more seeing or hearing things that weren't there. Christ is there
now giving me light, showing me the way. Christ is in your world
why don't you let Him light your way.
Thank you Lord, because of you I know no fear, for now I have eternal
life. You have set me free. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING GOD!
03:26 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)