Do You Know Who You Are?
"By this we know that we know Him
if we keep His commandments" (I John 2:3)
Question: Do you know who you are? Answer
I am a child of God. How I know this is found in I John 2.
1- I know that I have come to know the Lord if I obey
His command. (v.3) Like a child obeys his parents.
2- Whoever claims to live in Him must walked as Jesus
walked. (v6)
3- Anyone who claims to be "in the Light" will avoid hatred
towards others. (v.9)
Well then who are you? Do you really know who Jesus is?
Are you His child? If you are, will you obey His commands?
Walk as He did and love others? If you do this you are
truly a child of God.
Thank you God for allowing me to be your child, to walk
in your light. Give me strength to follow your Commandments.
Quote of the Day
Abigail Kelley Foster
Pacifist Abolitionist
"Go where you are least wanted, for there you are most needed."
02:47 | Permalink | Comments (0)
God Will Deal With Me
Who knows if He will turn and relent, and
leave a blessing behind Him? (Joel 2:14)
You know it is hard to believe that God would fight
against his Chosen People. But they were worshiping
other gods. I have come to believe in my life that when
I stray from God's presence, when I turn my back upon
Jesus my Savior, He will deal with me. You see I have
discovered that I can count on God to fight to bring me
back. God will fight against me for my own good. Now
that's a loving Father. Jesus let's me experience defeat
in order for me to listen to Him. And when I finally listen
to Him, my life is so much better. How about your life!
Lord thank you for being there for me. I know that I can
can count on you as my Father. Thank you for being a
loving and caring Father he will discipline me in order for
me to come to my Savior. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING
Quote of the Day
Baroness Bertha von Suttner
Author, Activist, First Woman Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
"The question of whether violence or law shall prevail between
states is the most vital of the problems of our eventful era.
Inconceivable would be the consequence of the threatening
world war which many misguided people are prepared to precipitate."
03:22 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
"Are You a Prisoner?"
"This grace was given, that I should preach
among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of
Christ." (Ephesians 3:8)
This is part of a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote
to the church in Ephesus. Do you realize that
Paul was a prisoner at the time he wrote this
letter. All through the Book of Ephesians, Paul
has this upbeat attitude being excited about the
unsearchable riches of Christ, and all that time
he is suffering the pain and humiliation of a prisoner.
But he didn't see himself as a prisoner of the state
but as a prisoner of Christ. He took the hardship that
he was suffering and made into an exciting opportunity
to bring the Gospel to the gentiles. I'm curious do you
use the pain, the disappointments, the discouragements,
that you encounter in life as an opportunity to tell others
about Jesus Christ? What a wonderful way to approach
your life. In Ephesians 3:8, Paul states "To me, who am
less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given,
that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable
riches of Christ". Paul, a prisoner of Christ, saw himself as
being given the privilege to serve God and present the
"riches of Christ" to all. Are You a prisoner of Christ?
Lord afflictions may test me, They cannot destroy me,
because You are my Savior, thank you that one small
glimpse of Your love turns them all to joy. THANK GOD
Quote of the Day
Lucretia Mott
Quaker, Pacifist Abolitionist, Feminist
"Let it be called the Great Spirit of the Indian, the Quaker
‘Inward Light' of George Fox, the ‘Blessed Mary,' Mother
of Jesus of the Catholics, or Brahman, the Hindu's God -
they will be one, and there will come to be such a faith
and liberty as shall redeem the world.
02:37 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)