Where Does My Loyalty Lie?
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free," (John 8:32)
"Fear not them which kill the body, but are not
able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is
able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10: 28)
" Ye have been bought with a price: be not ye the servant of
men." (I Corinthians 7:23)
Lately I've been thinking a lot about loyalties in my life. Who am
I loyal too, God or Man. There is a difference you know. In
my life I have had to make important decisions based on that
question, Who am I loyal too? I think we all do. I've learned to
to do all I can to be loyal to what I believe God's teachings, and
intentions are towards me and my faith. Thats not always easy.
For example: Sometimes in my life my government has demanded
loyalty to them, when it was directly contrary to God's teachings.
I believe "war" that is the wounding and killing of men, is
inconsistent with my Christian faith founded on peace and good
will towards men. A Christian, according to Christ's teachings,
can only act peacably towards all men. And no authority or
government can force me to act contrary to the teachings of God.
You see I'm one of those people who actually believe that the sins
of men can only be overcome by love. That evil can only be
exterminated by good. That Jesus Christ has taught me to be
gentle, long suffering, and merciful. That's right only the meek
shall inherit the earth, for those who take up the sword shall die
by the sword. You see we have been bought with a price, that
price has been the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the cross.
Therefore I owe my service to Him and not to men.
Noah, Moses, and the prophets taught that he who kills, maims, or
injures his neighbor does evil. To resist such evil, and to prevent it,
the evil doer must be punished with death or maiming or physical
injury. Wrong must be opposed by wrong, murder by murder, injury
by injury, evil by evil. Jesus Christ rejects all this, "I say unto you
resist not evil." In other words, do not oppose injury with injury,
but rather bear repeated injury from the evil doer. Jesus Christ
said, " Ye have heard it said of old, an eye for an eye and a tooth
for a tooth, but I say unto you Resist not Evil. But if one strikes
you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek, and if one will go to
the law with you and take your coat from you, give him your cloak
also." It's not easy being Christian, sometimes that means being
completely contrary to the prevailing feeling. Sometimes that just
means being different.
Lord Keep Me Different!!!!! Amen
22:08 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Mat 6:14-15
(New International Version)
For if you forgive men when they sin against
you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men their sins, your
Father will not forgive your sins.
(King James Version)
"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if
ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither
will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Isn't it hard to forgive, I mean really forgive a person
who has wronged you so much that it is in your heart
and mind constantly. I have a person like that in my
life. This person knowingly let me physically suffer
for many years without ever helping me. This person
was not there for me as a matter of fact purposely stayed
away from me. I literally hated this person for a long time.
I desperately needed this person and this person wasn't
there for me. I used to say I can forgive but I can't forget.
That was a lie that I was saying to myself. Because I
really wasn't forgiving. It was an excuse I used to make to
myself in order to feel like a Christian. You see I new
Christ expected me to forgive, it was basic to my
Christian faith and I needed an excuse to continue to hate
and still feel like a Christian. Well I can honestly say
that I have learned to forgive this person. I really do.
How did I learn this valuable lesson? I followed the
example of my Savior Jesus Christ, when in complete
pain on the executioner's cross states, "Father Forgive Them
For They Know Not What They Do." If He can do it for
me, I can do it for Him and myself. Boy do I feel a lot
better! I now have this person back in my life, and this
person never asked for any forgiveness but I gave it anyway.
What joy there is in my life. Amen, Amen.......
Thank you Lord for forgiving me of all my sins, thank you
for loving me so much that you forgive me each and every day
If you can forgive lord, I can forgive. Thank you for your
00:32 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
In Memory of a godly Life
"All these......obtained a good testimony through faith.
(Hebrews 11:39)
George Washington crossing the Delaware, Martin Luther King
and the Civil Rights Movement, Gandhi and Peace,
Louie Pasture and the fight against Polio, Anne Frank and her
diary. These people will always be remembered in history, they
have left a legacy for all of us. Long after their deaths, the record
of their lives of faith and obedience still inspire us today. I have
to admit that few of us will be recorded in the history books. But
the fact remains that we will be remembered by our family and our
friends. As Christians we are constantly being watched to see
how our response is to our Lord especially during times of pain
and suffering. My question is, Are you living in faith and
obedience to Him? What will be your legacy?
Quote for the Day
St. Catherine of Siena
Political and Religious Peacemaker
"In mercy you have seen fit today to show me, poor as I am, how
we can in no way pass judgment on other people's intentions.
Indeed, by sending people in an endless variety of paths, you give
an example for myself, and for this I thank you."
02:56 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)