Jesus is There for Me
"He was despised and rejected---a man of sorrows, acquainted
with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on Him and looked
the other way when He went by. He was despised, and we
did not care". (Isaiah 53: 3)
You know its hard to believe when you look at this verse
and chapters 52 and 53 it would be fulfilled over a thousand
years later in Jesus Christ. This verse and several others in
Isaiah are the verses that Mel Gibson used as background
for his movie "The Passion". I got to be honest with you
this verse haunts me. It is personal and it hits close to
home for me. I have often struggled with the fact that I
often turn my back on my Savior. Whats interesting is He
never turns His back on me. When I reflect at the end of the
day, I am often dismayed that I didn't even think about going
to Jesus when I really should have, I didn't even think of Him.
I ask myself, "How can I call myself a Christian, on top of that
a minister, and not think of Jesus Christ". Thank God He
doesn't turn His back on me. He is there for me, doing for me,
even at the times when I am not even thinking about Him. And
you know something He is there for you, I promise that Jesus will
never turn His back on you.
I praise and honor you oh Lord. Thank for being there for me
and forgive for not being there with you. THANK YOU GOD
Abigail Kelley Foster
Pacifist Abolitionist
"Go where you are least wanted, for there you are most needed."
02:15 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Who Needs Friends?
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for
adversity." (Proverbs 17:17)
Friendship is very important to me. My life would
not be complete without my friends. I have all kinds
of friends, I have friends who are Christians, An Atheist
who always states "I swear to God I'm an Atheist," a
close friend who is a Muslim. I have friends of all colors,
creeds, and nationalities. I don't expect my friends to
love me, adore me, or even agree with me. I do expect
from myself and from them, one very important
characteristic, and thats loyalty. My friends are all
deeply loyal and I am loyal to them. So the question
remains to be asked, "What Kind of friend are you?"
Are you like the friends of Job: Eliphaz, Bildad, and
Zophar who were disloyal and even intensified Job's
pain. Or are you like the friends of Daniel: Shadrach,
Meshach, Abed-Nego who were loyal to Daniel,
and stood with him. Remember very important thing,
you and I share one friend. This friend was so loyal to
you and I, that He gave His life for us. That friend
is Jesus Christ.
Quote for the Day
Mother Jones
Advocate for Social Justice,
Union Organizer
"I am in favor of the ballot, and in all my career I have never
advocated violence. I want to give the nation a more highly
developed citizenship."
23:05 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Knowing God's Words
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My
words will not pass away." Mark 13:31
When is the last time you read the Bible.
I'm not talking about just glancing through it
but really sitting down and reading the Holy
'Scriptures. Since its been a long time since
God spoke directly to me, I have found the
only way to receive God's words is to read
the Bible. You see that is one of the great
beauties of God manifesting Himself through
His Son Jesus and appearing on earth.
Through Jesus Christ we have received God's
words. And boy has the Bible helped me in
my life. Through the words of God (God
breathed) I have really discovered how to live
a happy and fulfilling life. There are two very
unique qualities about God's word. First is
that it's not like any book you have ever read.
You can begin reading anywhere in the Bible,
I don't care where, and you will begin to receive
a real message concerning your life. This makes
the Holy Scriptures truly unique. The Second
quality is that these words, God's words, will
last forever, and forever be relevant to us.
All things will pass away but not God's word.
What a comfort that is for us. Do me a favor
will you, tonight sit down and really look at
the Bible and I can promise you that you
will receive the riches of life. If you have
question you will surely get some answers.
Father God thank You for Your word. Thank
you for giving to me Your words that have
inspired my life. Thank you for caring
enough to give me guidance through you
22:11 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)