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Proverbs 24:16 we read, “for though the righteous fall
seven times, they rise again

The verse doesn’t say that the righteous get up again;
rather the language is very precise when it specifies
that the righteous rise again. This teaches us that not
only do the righteous get up after failure, but they rise
to new heights. They are greater than they were before
they fell in the first place.

We keep pushing forward even when we fail. It’s only
through perseverance and pressing on that we are able
to reach our goals. From every failure, we get smarter;
from every fall, we can rise higher.Consider the following:
Babe Ruth, who held the world record for the most
home runs also struck out 1,330 times. Michael Jordan,
one of the greatest basketball stars of our times, was
cut from his tenth-grade basketball team. Abraham
Lincoln lost eight elections, failed at two businesses,
and suffered a nervous breakdown before he was elected
president of the United States; now he is considered
one of the greatest presidents in American history. The
list goes on and on


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Seek God and Be Happy

But may all who seek you
     rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who long for your saving help always say,
     “The LORD is great!” — Psalm 70:4

Seeking God means walking outside and taking in
the nature around you and seeing the Creator. It
means looking at sweet children or beautiful animals
and seeing God, their Maker. Seeking God also
means that when you find yourself in an uncomfortable
confrontation at work or at home, we need to see
beyond the circumstances and see how God is
orchestrating the situation for our very best. What
joy to know that even our toughest moments are from
God for the good!

Seeking God most definitely includes studying His
Word and integrating His messages. It certainly means
calling out to God in prayer and supplication. When we
set our hearts on seeking God, we can find Him in all
we do, and with that mindset, David promises joy.

How might you seek out God today? Keep God first
place in your awareness and notice how you are filled w
ith joy and gladness as you recognize that God is
everywhere when we seek Him.

With prayers for shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

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But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into
exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare
you will find your welfare.
Jeremiah 29:7


I love America more than any other country in the world
and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize
her perpetually.
James Baldwin


God, as we seek the welfare of our cities, may we listen
to language of the unheard. Amen.

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