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"Jesus' Witness to Pilate"

Lenten Devotion

"... (Jesus said) 'Everyone who is of the truth listens to
My voice'" (John 18:37b).

Read John 18:33-38a.

The true significance of Christ's comments to Pilate is
simply lost on Pilate. He has other things on his mind.
They are things he thinks are far more important like
saving his career. His attention is squarely on himself
and what impact this trial will make on his future.

But God does two things to turn Pilate's attention to
the innocent man standing before him. First, Pilate's
wife sends him a message, "Have nothing to do with
that righteous man, for I have suffered much because
of Him today in a dream" (Matthew 27:19). Second,
God sends His Son to speak to Pilate directly.

Jesus says, "Everyone who is of the truth listens to My
voice." This is a challenge to Pilate: is truth important
to him? Obviously, he is taking great risks to set an
innocent man free, but does he want to hear the truth
Jesus came to bring?

Many times in our lives Jesus' still, small voice speaks
to us through the clamor and clatter of our daily lives.
Are we willing to put it all aside to listen to the One
who offers us eternal life?

Pilate gives his famous reply, "What is truth?" Sadly,
he isn't interested in what Jesus has to say, he just
wants to end the discussion.

Jesus offers you and me words of truth and eternal life.
But how often do we dismiss Him and cut Him off like
Pilate did? How often are we distracted by earthly
things we think are more important?


Lord, thank You for speaking words of truth to me.
Forgive me for cutting You short. Please speak, for
Your servant is now listening. Amen.

Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer

01:18 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



Lenten Devotion

"Pilate said to them, 'Take Him yourselves and judge Him by
your own law.' ..." (John 18:31a).

Read John 18:28-32.

Only John's Gospel shows us Jesus' trial before Annas the former
high priest. Then John leaves out Jesus' official trial before
Caiaphas the high priest. Instead, he jumps straight to Jesus' trial
before Pontius Pilate.

This trial is very strange. Jesus is brought into the official residence
of the Roman military governor, but the Jewish authorities refuse to
enter. Though they have no problem railroading the innocent Son of
God to His death, they are careful not to defile themselves by
entering the home of a Gentile. So Pilate is forced to go back and
forth between Jesus and them.

The trial is a bitter power struggle between Pilate and the Jewish
authorities. Pilate quickly concludes Jesus is innocent and wants to
set Him free. But finding himself in a very precarious position with the
emperor, Pilate must handle this case very delicately; he especially
cannot afford to lose control and see a riot start.

On the other side, the Jewish authorities are desperate to have Jesus
executed, but they are not in the position where they can do it
themselves. Years before the Roman governor had removed the right
for the Jewish authorities to inflict capital punishment. So if they want
Jesus dead, they have to convince Pilate one way or another. So we
see the battle begin -- with Jesus' life hanging in the balance.

The truth is that God is in control of what He is doing for each of us by
Christ's crucifixion, as we shall see in the coming days


Lord Jesus, all around us people are plotting and scheming for control.
Many times we too want to find some way to control events happening
in our own lives. Remind us that You are firmly in control so we may
rest in Your hands and watch You work for our good. Amen. 

Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer

12:14 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



"Before the High Priest"

Lenten Devotion

"When He had said these things, one of the officers standing
 by struck Jesus with his hand, saying, 'Is that how you answer
the high priest?'" (John 18:22).

Read John 18:13-14, 19-24.

After His arrest, the guards bring Jesus to Annas. This former
Jewish high priest had been deposed by the Roman governor in
AD 15. His five sons had each taken a turn succeeding him
and now his son-in-law Caiaphas is high priest.

Annas questions Jesus about His disciples and His teaching, but
Jesus' silence protects them. So Annas turns to Jesus' teachings.
The high priest hopes he can trip up the Son of God and find a
basis for a charge against Him.

Jesus will have nothing to do with this. He has always been honest
with the Jewish authorities, never saying anything in private He
didn't say in public. He tells the high priest, "Ask those who have
heard Me." That leads an officer of the high priest to strike Him with
his hand.

At this point you might expect Jesus to meekly take the abuse, but
He doesn't. He turns to the officer and confronts him, "Why did you
strike Me?" Again, we see Jesus completely in control. He stops the
proceedings to call the officer to explain why he struck Him.

Annas showed he was willing to ignore the truth and twist it against
Jesus. Is integrity and truth important to you like it was to Jesus?
Or are we willing to distort the truth if it goes to our advantage?


Lord Jesus, You humbled Yourself to be struck by an officer when
You had only told the truth. Forgive us for setting aside Your truth
when we don't think it is convenient. Give us faith, courage and trust
to do what is right in Your eyes. Amen.

Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer

15:29 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)