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"Do you believe in Angels"


"Are (angels) not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those
who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)


My beloved mother, who is 91 years old and is ready to go home to Jesus,
said something the other day that got me thinking. She told me that when
she goes home to Jesus she hopes that she comes back as a guardian
angel so she can help and protect someone. Do you believe in angels?
I do. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing the pain
that He was about to endure, was visited by an angel from heaven
strengthening Him. (Luke 22:43) I don't think i've ever seen an angel,
although I'm not sure, and i don't really need too. It's enough for me
to know and believe that they are there, quietly delivering work beyond
the realm of physical sight (Psalm 34:7), actually calling no attention
to themselves. I believe their protection is real. I believe I have an
angel who is there protecting me and strengthening my trust in
the God they so faithfully serve.

"What ready help our Father gives
To struggling saints below!
He sends His heavenly messengers
His power and grace to show." (D. De Haan)


Dear God thank you for sending me Your angel to watch over
and protect me. I often feel his/her presence and I know
they strengthen my life so I can continue to trust in my

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