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A Memorial Day Prayer

Gracious Lord, heavenly Father, on this day the
minds of men are turned in memory to those who
have laid down their lives in defense of our country.
We indeed owe a debt of gratitude to them who
gave their all that we as a nation may continue
our way of life.. Grant that we worthily carry on
where they have left off that our country may
enjoy for generation to come peace and
freedom. May we honor them by bringing the
tribute of a ready heart, an obedient life, a
worthy citizenship, to our country. Guide the
counsels of government. Strengthen the bonds
of true loyalty. Let the ideals of liberty and
peace prevail. Above all, grant that we, Thy
children by faith in Christ, find a field of service
in which we, as a salt and leaven, uphold
righteousness, order, and peace, In Jesus'
name I ask it. Amen!
(Taken from Lutheran Book of Prayer)

At the Outbreak of War

O lord God Almighty, who from Thy throne dost
behold all the nations of the earth, look down with
pity upon our country and those nations who are
now at war. I confess that, because of our sins,
we have deserved Thy chastening; and I pray
Thy forgiveness through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
I entreat Thee, O God of our salvation, make
war to cease, and give peace in our time, that
we and all Thy children everywhere may serve
Thee with a quiet mind, through Christ Jesus,
our Lord. Grant, heavenly Father, that hourly
the nation's leaders strive to bring bloodshed
to a conclusion. Hold Thy hand over women
and children. Check the hatred and cruelty
of mankind. Direct the counsels of neighbor
nations to overtures of peace. Instill in us all
a horror of war and grant us a mighty spirit
of prayer to intercede with Thee against all
bloodshed and destruction. O lord, Thou art
Master of the world, put an end to these
horrors. Bring peace to the people of the
earth, and use us to that end. I ask it for
Jesus' sake. Amen
(Taken from Lutheran Book of Prayer)


"I think that people want peace so much that
one of these days government had better
get out of their way and let them have it."
(Dwight D. Eisenhower)

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Visit My Grave

A Poem

by Jim Rolfes, Commander
Plymouth County American Legion
Wasmer Post No. 241, LeMars, Iowa
Date unknown

I am a veteran laid under the sod,
I'm in good company, I'm up here with God.
Come to my grave and visit with me,
I gave up my life so you could be free,
Today is Memorial Day throughout this great land,
there's Avenue of Flages, parades and bands.
I can hear music, the firing squad and taps,
Here come my comrades, the Legionnaires the Bluecaps.
One of them just put a flag by my stone,
Some day he'll have one of his own.
They say they have plans, other things to do,
Don't put us aside as you would an old shoe.
Come visit my grave in this cememtery so clean,
This is what Memorial Day means.
There are many of us lying in wakeless sleep,
In cemeteries of green and oceans of deep.
It's sad that for many who fought so brave,
Now no one comes to visit their grave.
They died so you could have one whole year free,
Now can't you save this one day for me?
There are soldiers, sailors, airmen up there,
Who went into battle despite of their fear.
I've been talking up here to all of those men,
If they had to do it, they'd do it again.
Look, someone is coming to my grave,
It's my family, for them my life I gave.
My wife, I remember our last embrace,
As I left the tears streamed down your face.
I think you knew the day I shipped,
I wouldn't return, your life be turned about.
There's my daughter that I used to hold,
Can it be that you're nearly twenty years old?
Next month is to be your wedding day,
I wish I could be there to give you away.
My son's here, too, Dad's Little Man,
Always love your country, do for it what you can.
There is on thing that really did bother,
Seeing you grow without the aid of a father.
I wish you could all hear me from up above,
That a father's best gift to his children is love.
And what better way to prove my love to the end,
Is that a man lay down his life for his friends.
I see it's time for you to go home,
Your visit made it easier to remain here alone.
Don't cry honey, you look so sad,
Our children are free, you should be glad.
Daughter, thanks for the bouquet so cute,
Thank you son for the sharp salute.
Come again, I forgot, you can't hear me from up here,
But I know you'll come visit me next year.
I hope all veterans are treated this way,
On this day to remember, Memorial Day.

Path Of Peace

Path Of Peace
By Paul Mc Cann

Peace is an easy path to tread
Peace is where our fears are mislaid
Peace is beginning to restore
Peace for each man, woman and child
Peace for the troubled streets gone wild
Peace is for the old and the young
Peace in the end will overcome
Peace builds trust into a lifestyle
Peace is a friendly open hand
Peace is a place to understand
Peace in the end will overcome
Peace is for the old and the young
Peace is a legacy to leave
Peace is when we don't have to grieve
Peace is and end to all the hate
Peace is why we negotiate
Peace for all the victims of war

Paul McCann


Christ's Teachings "Resist Not Evil"


"But I say to you, do not resist him who is
evil: but whoever slaps you on your right
cheek, turn to him the other also"
(Matthew 5:39)

"Jesus said: Ye have heard, it was said of
old, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
But I say unto you RESIST NOT EVIL. But
if one smites thee on the right cheek, turn
him the other also; and if one will go to law
thee to take thy coat from thee, give him thy
cloak also." (Matthew 5:38-40 KJV)


These two verses are my favorite two verses
in the whole of Scriptures. They are also
the most difficult to live by. Turning the other
cheek is very, very, hard to do. Your not only to
turn the other cheek, your supposed to give him
the other one. Give....Me....A....Break! Who in
the world can do that? Well apparently we can.
I think we need to remember a few things here.
Evil will win some battles, but it will not win the
war. You know why? Because our faith in
Jesus Christ tells us not to resist evil but to
be better than evil.Thats right! EVIL CANNOT
goodness is in us. Also remember that when
you violently resist evil, often you become like
evil. Evil often time lies in the violence. Goodness
cannot become evil, then evil does win. I know
how hard it is, but we must keep turning the other
cheek. The more we turn the other cheek, the
more God's goodness shines. Do me a favor will
you? The next time we hear rumors of a war, let's
remember these two verses. And let's remember
one more thing, Jesus tells us to take care of
the logs in our own eyes before we look for the
specks in others.


Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love
Where there is injury . . . pardon
Where there is doubt . . . faith
Where there is despair . . . hope
Where there is darkness . . . light
Where there is sadness . . . joy
O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled . . . as to console
To be understood . . . as to understand,
To be loved . . . as to love
For it is in giving . . . that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
It is in dying . . . that we are born to eternal life.

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