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And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.
And because of the increase of lawlessness, the love
of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the
end will be saved. And this good news of the kingdom will
be proclaimed throughout the world, as a testimony to all
the nations; and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:11-14
We must be global Christians with a global vision because
our God is a global God.
John Stott
Lord, remind us that the command to love our neighbor is
not constrained by geographical boundaries. Amen.

13:33 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



Dear Lord, "Oh, blest the house, whate'er befall, where
Jesus Christ is all in all! Yea, if He were not dwelling
there, how dark and poor and void it were! Oh, blest
that house where faith ye find, and all within have set
their mind, to trust their God and serve Him still, and
do in all His holy will! Oh, blest the parents who give
heed unto their children's foremost need, and weary
not of care or cost! May none to them and heaven be
lost! Blest such a house, it prospers well. In peace
and joy the parents dwell, and in their children's lot is
shown how richly God can bless His own. Then here
will I and mine today a solemn covenant make and
say: Though all the world forsake Thy Word, I and
my house will serve the Lord!"  In Jesus' Name may
it be so. Amen.
(The Lutheran Hymnal, pg. 625).

14:18 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



Wandering dejectedly in The Garden of Eden, Eve
told God, “I’m lonely I’m tired of eating apples by
“Okay,” God said, “I’ll create a man for you.”
Eve said, “A man! What’s that?” “He’s a creature
with aggressive tendencies and an enormous ego.
He won’t listen very well, he’ll get lost easily, but
never stop to ask for directions. However, he is
big and strong, he can open jars and hunt animals.
And he’ll be fun in bed.”
“Sounds great!” said Eve.
“Oh, and one more thing,” God said. “He will want
to believe that I made HIM first.”

18:23 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)