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A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation
to Jerusalem. While they were there, the wife
passed away.

The undertaker told the husband, "You can have
her shipped home for $5000, or you can bury her
here, in the Holy Land, for only $150."

The man thought about it and decided he would
just have her shipped home for $5000.

The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend
$5000 to ship your wife home, when it would be
wonderful to be buried here and you would spend
only $150?"

The man replied, "Long ago a man called Jesus
Christ died here, was buried here, and three days
later he rose from the dead. I just can't take that

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Easter Monday

"When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to
Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of John, do you love
Me more than these? ..." (John 21:15a).

Read John 21:1-19.

We are often cut to the core by our own sins, by
the hasty words and hurtful things we have done
and by our failure to do the good things God put it
in our power to do. The scar of our personal
failings can run very deep in us, just as the scar of
Peter's three denials ran deep.

After His resurrection our Lord went to work right
away healing that wound. Luke tells us that Jesus
made an appearance to Peter on the afternoon of
His resurrection (Luke 24:34). And in today's reading
John records another special conversation between
Jesus and Peter.

On that dark night in Jerusalem Simon denied His
Savior three times. Now, on this bright morning at
the Sea of Tiberius, Jesus leads Peter to confess his
devotion to His Savior three times. Then Jesus gives
Peter a glorious promise. In the future, when Peter's
life is in danger for Jesus' sake, he will not weaken
in denial. Simon Peter will remain faithful in his
confession and die as a martyr of Jesus Christ.

Jesus died and rose again for your sins-each and
every one of them. They are all forgiven. This is
something He constantly reminds you through His
Word, through the waters of your Baptism and by
the body and blood He gives you in worship-the price
He willingly paid for your eternal salvation. His Holy
Spirit will keep you strong in the confession of His
Name, until our Lord welcomes you into paradise.


Lord Jesus, let Your light continue to shine in this
dark world, that with boldness and confidence I
may live for You, until You come again and scatter
the darkness forever. I pray in Your holy Name. Amen.

Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer

14:04 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)




"Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' ..." (John 20:16a).
Read John 20:1-18.

After the long, dark weekend, Mary Magdalene left
early Sunday morning to go out to Jesus' tomb.
Already filled with grief and sorrow she saw the
tomb broken open and Jesus' body missing.

She ran to tell the disciples someone had stolen
His body. Peter and John ran out to investigate,
then went back into hiding to consider what they
had seen. Mary stayed behind at the tomb,
overwhelmed with sorrow.

Have you ever stood at a graveside totally lost and
immersed in unspeakable grief? Imagine Mary's
pain, totally shattered by the brutal murder of her

But Jesus had already told His disciples how the
story would end. This was a day of joy and victory;
it was not a day of grief and loss. And so Jesus
came up to her and at the sound of her name on
His lips, the light burst forth and scattered the
darkness of Mary's grief.

When we stand by a loved one's grave, this is a
moment to remember. On the Last Day our loved
ones who are now separated from us, hidden in
the darkness of the grave will stand before us
shining. Their voices that are now still in death will
be music in our ears once again when the Light
comes to raise the dead and vanquish the darkness

We will see Jesus with our own eyes just as Mary
did on that great day of resurrection. And we will
shine in that glorious light forever and ever.


Lord Jesus, thank You for bursting out of the tomb
on this glorious day, revealing our future and that of
our loved ones who have died in faith. Give us joy,
courage and hope as we await that glorious day of
Your return, and help us share it with all. We pray
in Your holy Name. Amen.

Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer


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