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"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;"
(John 11:25) NIV


This is, what I consider, one of the
strongest statements made by
Jesus Christ in the Holy Scriptures.
He is stating that He is the very life
and if you believe even though you
die you will live forever. In other
words even when you die an
earthly death, you will live forever
in heaven. I really don't see how
you can pass that up. I really do
believe there is more to life than
what this world seems to offer.
There simply has to be! I
couldn't live in this world if I
didn't know there wasn't some-
thing better. What I have discovered
in my life is Jesus Christ. He
brings me joy, love, peace, and
service. He died and rose again to
life and now, because I believe,
He is my life forever. What better
life is there. THIS CAN BE YOUR


Oh Lord thank You for being my
Life, I do believe, and I know that
you will be my eternal reward.
Thank You for being there now
and forever. In Jesus Name Amen.



Day Seventy-Three: January 16, 2009
4 days, left until inauguration day.

For those who will be without jobs as
a result of the change in the White House
to find meaningful ways to continue to
serve their country
The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me;
Your love, O LORD, endures forever—
do not abandon the works of Your hands.
—Psalm 138:8

O Holy Lord God, I praise and thank
You for how You call persons into
relationship with You and then into
vocation to serve Your purposes in
the world. In Your love and kindness
You look on every person and see a
special resolve and calling.

Today I thank You for the dedicated
service of all who have served in the
past administration. I ask that You
provide meaningful employment
for each one who will lose their job
as a result of the change in the White
House. Show them precisely how to
move forward in their vocational path,
providing a place of significant service
for each one. In Your holy name, amen.

15:59 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



To all who believed him and accepted
him, he gave the right to become
children of God. John 1:12 NLT

God's fatherhood

Most people in the world would
agree with the statement that
"we are all God's children.
" It's a nice sentiment. It just
isn't what the Bible teaches.
According to God's Word,
unrepentant sinners are
actually God's enemies
(see Romans 5:10 and Colossians 1:21)
!It's only when we put our trust
in the Lord Jesus Christ that
we are reconciled to God and
experience forgiveness and
adoption into God's forever
family (Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5).

For a Christian going through hard
times, this "adoption" truth is the
best of all possible news. God is
not just the powerful Creator or a
righteous Lord, he is a loving Father.
He sees your trials. He listens to
your pleas. He cares and protects
and supports. He is never harsh
or impatient with you. He is never
"too busy" for you.

Take all the best qualities of all the
best earthly dads you've ever seen,
add them together, and multiply by
infinity. That's the kind of heavenly
Father God is to Christians who hurt.

Lord Jesus, I do believe in you. I
have accepted you as my Savior
and Lord. Thank you for revealing
yourself to me. Thank you for saving
me! Because of your grace and my
faith, I am a child of the living God.
I praise you. What a privilege! What
joy to know that in every situation
I have a loving, wise, and good
heavenly Father to counsel and help me.

adapted from Praying God's Promises
in Tough Times by Len Woods, Tyndale
House Publishers (2002), pp 68-9
As a substitute father for hundreds of
youth over the past thirteen years,
I've yet to encounter a young person
in trouble whose difficulty could be
traced to the lack of a strong father
image in the home.