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What Has God Done For Us?


"For God so loved the world he gave His only
begotten Son that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have everlasting life. God
sent not His Son into the world to judge the
world but that the world through Him might be
saved." (John 3:16,17)


Do we realize what God has done for us? This
is the question I ask myself during my celebration
of the death and resurrection of my Savior Jesus
Christ. You know I don't think we do. We cannot
come anywhere near comprehending the sacrifice
and total love God gave to us when He sent His
Son into this world to live, to die, and to rise from
the grave. Now get this! He gave us His only Son
so that we shall never die, that's right never die....
eternal life. How do we get this eternal life? Can
we buy it? NO, Can we trade for it? NO, Can we work
to attain it? NO. It's free all we have to do is believe,
that's right... believe. It's called faith my friends,
accept Jesus Christ into your life, accept Him into
your heart into your very soul. He's there knocking
at the door let Him in. I know I have and boy has
my life changed. Suddenly I feel fulfilled, I'm no
longer alone because He is with me. I see the
world differently, I see my friends and neighbors
differently, I see my enemies differently. My heart
is filled with the peace and love of Jesus Christ. Now
let me stop here for a minute, I'm not trying to put one
over on you, my life is not always rosy. I have my
problems, loving Christ hasn't changed that. But
now I can deal with my problems, I can even grow
from my problems because...I believe. You see God
sent His Son into this world not to judge us but to
save us. To me that is what Resurrection Sunday
(Easter) is all about. It's about newness, its about
changing your life, its about joy, It's about faith, It's
about love. The final question is this DO YOU BELIEVE?


I would like to share the resurrection prayer with you.

Resurrection Prayer

O Risen Lord,
the way, the truth and the life,
make us faithful followers
of the spirit of your resurrection.
Grant that we may be inwardly
renewed; dying to ourselves
in order that you may live in us.
May our lives serve as signs
of the transforming power of your love
Use us as your instruments
for the renewal of society,
bring your life and love to all
and leading them to your Church.
This we ask of you, Lord Jesus,
living and reigning with the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever. Amen

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