By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Lenten Devotion
And when he (Pilate) learned that He (Jesus) belonged
to Herod's jurisdiction, he sent Him over to Herod, who
was himself in Jerusalem at that time (Luke 23:7).
Read Luke 23:5-7.
The judge pronounced his verdict, yet permits the
prosecution to challenge that verdict and continue raising
objections. Clearly, Pilate is intimidated.
The Jewish high priest is urgent. He has brought along the
full high court and a large company of guards and servants.
But not even their sheer number is enough to convince
Pilate of the seriousness of this matter. Perhaps Pilate
thinks Jesus only has a local following that his Roman
squads can easily put down. So they report the wide scope
of Jesus' ministry to convince the governor that Jesus is a
greater danger. They claim Jesus has been stirring up
people all over Judea, from Galilee, even here to Jerusalem.
Suddenly, Pilate sees an opening, an opportunity to get rid
of this whole sorry affair. If Jesus is a Galilean, the trial can
be switched to Herod, the Roman governor over Galilee.
Fortunately, he is staying in Jerusalem for the feast. Let
Herod deal with the Jewish high priest and Jesus.
Pilate watches the procession head over to Herod's palace.
As the footsteps die away in the distance and silence
descends over his courts, Pilate may well breathe a sigh of
relief. But by taking this action he has completely undercut
his own verdict. He declared Jesus not guilty, so why is He
still on trial? Why is His life still in jeopardy?
And one more thing Pilate fails to consider: if somehow
Jesus is returned to him, it will be clear to the Jewish leaders
that all they have to do is keep pressing, and Pilate will
eventually give in.
Lord Jesus, You suffered such injustice to fulfill God's
righteous plan and set free sinners like me. Give me a
grateful heart, and genuine love for the people around me
that need to hear of Your love. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
15:26 | Permalink | Comments (0)
"Reaching Those Who Refuse to Listen"
By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Lenten Devotion 2016
And they led Him away to their council, and they said, "If You
are the Christ, tell us." ... (Luke 22:66b-67a).
Read Luke 22:66-71.
When Jesus stands before the Jewish high court they ask if He
is the Christ. His answer sounds elusive, but He is laying bare
their dark hearts and forcing them to look at their motives. If He
utters the truth that He is God's Son, they will not believe. If He
asks what more He can do to prove He is the promised Messiah,
they will refuse to answer. They've already closed their minds
and aren't interested in searching for the truth.
So He points past the cross. After His suffering and death are
complete He will be enthroned at the right hand of God. That is
the kind of Christ He is: a saving Christ-a heavenly King, not an
earthly king. It is a powerful confession and testimony-and a dire
warning of their future. Today, they sit in judgment on Him, but on
the last day He will be their judge-and their eternal destiny will
rest in His hands.
Ignoring His warning they demand, "Are You the Son of God,
then?" (Luke 22:70b). Again, His answer might sound evasive to
us, but not to the Jewish leaders. He calls their own words as
witnesses against them; they are confessing the truth: He is
indeed the Christ, the Son of God. Without giving it another
thought, they pounce on His words and condemn Jesus to death.
He has done all He can at this time. He has made the great
confession. After His death and resurrection, Jesus will send
strong men of faith to once again share the story of His salvation
and offer them His complete and free forgiveness.
Lord Jesus, in love You persistently reached out to stubborn men
who hated You for no valid reason. Break through my stubbornness
and lead me to repentance and faith. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
01:12 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
"Bearing the Punishment We Deserve"
By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Lenten Devotion 2016
Now the men who were holding Jesus in custody were
mocking Him as they beat Him. They also blindfolded Him
and kept asking Him, "Prophesy! Who is it that struck
You?" And they said many other things against Him,
blaspheming Him (Luke 22:63-65).
Read Luke 22:63-65.
For months the Jewish authorities have held a deepening
grudge against Jesus. Now they unleash their pent up
frustration and hatred. Luke the physician tells us their
blows bruised and tore Jesus' skin. Matthew and Mark add
that they struck Jesus with their fists and spat in His face.
All the Gospels point out that this abuse-both physical and
verbal-went on and on. These were the dignified, high
officials of Judah lashing out against a bound man.
But the abuse takes on a mocking tone which we will see
repeated many times this day. They blindfold Jesus and take
turns striking Him, asking the Prophet which of them had
struck Him. They condemn Jesus for blasphemy because He
claimed to be God's Son, but they are unaware they are the
guilty ones, blaspheming the Son of God who stands meekly
before them.
Jesus knows full well who is hitting Him, yet He remains silent.
He is suffering exactly what each of them-and each of us
deserves to suffer for our disobedience to God and our
mistreatment of one another. Yet Jesus patiently bears it all in
our place. He does not retaliate or curse; instead, He remains
silent. We wonder what He is thinking. He'll show us shortly
when He cries out from the cross: "Father, forgive them, for
they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34b).
Lord Jesus, You endured the abuse and mistreatment I deserve.
Forgive my sins against You, and give me patience when I
suffer wrongly for Your sake. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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