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15"Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed
is he who stays awake and keeps his
clothes with him, so that he may not go
naked and be shamefully exposed."
Revelation 16:15 (New International Version)


If you throw a frog in a pan of hot water
and it will quickly leap to safety. The
danger is quit obvious. But place the same
frog in a pan of cold water, and slowly raise
the temperature. The frog will not realize
the danger until he is on the verge of being
boiled alive.
It is the same way with the devil.
Christians easily recognize Satan's frontal
assaults, those are not hard to see. But
the devil doesn't usually use frontal assaults.
Satan has very subtle ways of attacking from
the blind side.
C.S. Lewis once said, "The safest road to hell
is the gradual one- gentle slope, without
sudden turnings, without milestones without
The best way for Christians to safeguard
against evil is to abide in our Savior Jesus
Christ and remain alert! Please don't let
yourself be deceived, evil is there often
quietly working. The fire is hot and many are
in danger! Remember there is a reward
awaiting those who are alert. WAKE UP


Oh Father, when the works of the
devil surround me please make me aware.
Deepen my understanding of the victory
You won on the Cross. Help me to
experience the Cross so that I can face
evil and partake in Your victory. Give me
strength and confidence in You so that
I will overcome evil in my life. In Jesus
Name AMEN!

22:02 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



God was not created for man to enjoy,
but man was created for God to enjoy,
Man is God's richest treasure and must
be restored to Him-not for the sake of
the treasure, but for the sake of the
We preach, not because me want God,
but because God wants men. We go
forth with the Gospel not because men
are godless, but because God is manless.
Salvation has not been provided simply that
man might rejoice in heaven, but that
heaven might rejoice in man.
Though the arms of the cross reach
around the world as an expression
of man's opportunity for deliverance from
sin, yet we do not fully understand
Calvary until we have seen it from above.
From that perspective we begin to
realize that missions is not a
response to man's desire for God, but
to God's desire for man.
The "Great Commission" was His
thought, not ours. It grew out of God's
desire to enjoy eternal fellowship with
For His sake, let's get on with the job.

Don W. Hillis

05:26 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)




If you need wisdom . . . ask him,
and he will gladly tell you. James 1:5

Seek his will in all you do, and he will
direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6


Do you ever find yourself in the position
when you just don't know what to do?
I mean you have tried everything, but nothing
seems to work out. I would like to make a
suggestion, instead of wasting all this time
of trial and error, first seek God's guidance.
If you do this He promises to grant you
wisdom. Just ask Solomon, he did, and
boy was he granted wisdom.


Oh Lord I do not seek treasure for
myself, please, just grant wisdom.
To the only wise God, in Jesus Name

03:48 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)