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(The next Reflections will be a series
of 14 brief messages on how you can make a
Fresh Start in your life. It is my prayer
that these suggestions will help provide
a real renewal in your total life.)

How You Can Make a Fresh Start
Whitney Hopler

Do you feel stuck?  Maybe you don't
like the way your life has been going
lately, but can't seem to change it.
No matter how stuck you may have
become, you can move forward with
God's help.  Here's how you can make
a fresh start to change your life for the better:

#2. Be honest about how something bad
makes you feel good.  Sin that you're hanging
onto has something about it that attracts you:
If you try to control other people, you may be
getting a feeling of power from your efforts. 
If you often express your anger through fits
of rage, you may be enjoying the adrenaline
rush that results.  If you struggle with lust,
you may find the sexual fantasies that come
with it exciting.  Admit what pleasure you're
deriving from your sinful habits, confess it to
God, and ask Him to help you really desire
to make a fresh start.

{Adapted from Fresh Start: God's Invitation to
a Great Life copyright 2009 by Doug Fields.
Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers,
Nashville, Tn., www.thomasnelson.com.)
Article publication date: August 20, 2009



(The next Reflections will be a series
of 14 brief messages on how you can make a
Fresh Start in your life. It is my prayer
that these suggestions will help provide
a real renewal in your total life.)

How You Can Make a Fresh Start
Whitney Hopler

(Editor's Note: The following is a
report on the practical applications
of Doug Fields' new book, Fresh Start:
God's Invitation to a Great Life,
(Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2009).

Do you feel stuck?  Maybe you don't
like the way your life has been going
lately, but can't seem to change it.
Perhaps you're struggling with an
unhealthy habit that you know you
should stop, yet still continue despite
your best intentions to change.

No matter how stuck you may have
become, you can move forward with
God's help.  Here's how you can make
a fresh start to change your life for the better:

#1. Look beyond yourself to God.  Your
ability to make real and lasting changes
to your life is limited, even when you try
your hardest.  Rather than relying just on
your own determined resolve to change
and your own positive thinking (which may
improve your life temporarily but not lead
to permanent change), connect to God in
prayer daily and rely on the strength that
He will give you to truly change for good. 
God loves you too much to let you stay
stuck; He wants to help you become
the best person and experience the best
life possible.  Invite God to give you a fresh
start and cooperate with His work in your
life by following where He leads you.

{Adapted from Fresh Start: God's Invitation to
a Great Life copyright 2009 by Doug Fields.
Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers,
Nashville, Tn., www.thomasnelson.com.
Doug Fields graduated from SCC in 1984
(now Vanguard), and received his MDiv.
from Fuller Theological Seminary in 1986.
Doug has served as a youth pastor for 25
years, and has been teaching pastor at
Saddleback Church since 1992. Doug
has been a global youth ministry leader
through his books, speaking and youth
ministry resources. He is the award-winning
author of more than 40 books, many of which
serve as curriculum in Seminaries and Bible
Colleges. Besides speaking regularly to
teenagers and the congregation of Saddleback
Church, Doug can also be found speaking to
youth workers around the world. Doug would
say his greatest accomplishment is marrying
way out of his league to his wife Cathy of 23
years. They have three teenage children; Torie,
Cody and Cassie.}

Article publication date: August 20, 2009

17:13 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)




Jesus took the five loaves and two fish,
looked up to heaven, and asked God's
blessing on the food. Breaking the loaves
into pieces, he kept giving the bread and
fish to the disciples to give to the people.
They all ate as much as they wanted,
and they picked up twelve baskets of
leftover bread and fish.
Mark 6:41-43 NLT

Break Thou the bread of life, dear Lord, to me,
As though didst break the loaves beside the sea;
Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord;
My spirit pants for Thee, O Living Word!
Mary Artemisia Lathbury

Bread of Life

While Break Thou the Bread of Life is
often sung during Communion, it is really
intended to prepare the heart for Bible
study. The great London preacher G.
Campbell Morgan customarily read the
words of the hymn before his midweek

The author, Mary Lathbury, was better
known as a commercial artist than as a
poet. Her illustrations regularly appeared
in the popular magazines of the 19th century.
She was a devout Christian who often
vacationed at Lake Chautauqua, where she
became one of the founders of a new
movement. Mixing Christian inspiration,
culture, and education, the Chautauqua
movement spread across the country.…
As she sat with her Bible, overlooking Lake
Chautauqua, she thought of the disciples at
the Sea of Galilee and wrote this hymn.
Mary Lathbury's desire was to take Bible
students "beyond the sacred page" to meet
the living Word.
From The One Year Book of Hymns
(Tyndale House), entry for February 15


I remember, as a young man, attending church
and the first Sunday of every month we
would celebrate communion.  This song
"Break Thou the Bread of Life" was quietly
sung as we participated in the Lord's Supper.
It was always very meaningful to me.  The words
and the spirit of this song brought me to a place
where I met, the living Word, Jesus Christ.
I must ask myself, as I ask you, When is the last
time I met the Living Word? When is the last time
my spirit "panted" for Jesus Christ? LORD LET IT


Lord You are the bread of life, I yearn for You.
I am ready for You the Living Word, LET IT BE NOW!
In Jesus Name Amen.

17:36 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)