Lenten Meditation
Read John 21:1-19.
TEXT: "When they had finished breakfast,
Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son
of John, do you love Me more than these? ..."
(John 21:15a).
We are often cut to the core by our own
sins, by the hasty words and hurtful things
we have done and by our failure to do the
good things God put it in our power to do.
The scar of our personal failings can run
very deep in us, just as the scar of Peter's
three denials ran deep.
After His resurrection our Lord went to work
right away healing that wound. Luke tells us
that Jesus made an appearance to Peter on
the afternoon of His resurrection (Luke 24:34).
And in today's reading John records another
special conversation between Jesus and Peter.
On that dark night in Jerusalem Simon denied
His Savior three times. Now, on this bright
morning at the Sea of Tiberius, Jesus leads
Peter to confess his devotion to His Savior
three times. Then Jesus gives Peter a glorious
promise. In the future, when Peter's life is in
danger for Jesus' sake, he will not weaken in
denial. Simon Peter will remain faithful in his
confession and die as a martyr of Jesus Christ.
Jesus died and rose again for your sins-each
and every one of them. They are all forgiven.
This is something He constantly reminds you
through His Word, through the waters of your
Baptism and by the body and blood He gives
you in worship-the price He willingly paid for
your eternal salvation. His Holy Spirit will keep
you strong in the confession of His Name, until
our Lord welcomes you into paradise.
Lord Jesus, let Your light continue to shine in
this dark world, that with boldness and confidence
I may live for You, until You come again and
scatter the darkness forever. I pray in Your holy
Name. Amen.
Lutheran Hour Ministries
21:43 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (1)
Mathew 28:5,6
"Do not be afraid for I know that you
are looking for Jesus, who was crucified
6 He is not here: He has risen, just
as He said.
I am so happy today that Jesus Christ
is risen from the dead. I am excited!
Because of today I am able to experience
the Presence of the Risen Lord.
There is Power in the Resurrection of Jesus
Christ. The Resurrection Power of God is
telling us that He is here always!
You see you don't have to be afraid, you
don't have to be anxious, you don't have
to be alone. WHY! BECAUSE HE IS
Prayer of Resurrection:
Gracious God, Let your resurrected life find
witness in our lives, Let us be for others what
you are for us. As you provide us with your
grace each and every day, let us become
your grace for others and true followers of your
Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
12:49 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Lenten Meditations
Out from the Darkness Holy Saturday
Read John 19:31-42.
TEXT: "So they (Joseph and Nicodemus)
took the body of Jesus and bound it in
linen cloths with the spices, as is the
burial custom of the Jews" (John 19:40).
Good Friday is drawing to its close. With
the Passover quickly approaching, Pilate
orders the legs of the crucified men to be
broken so they will die quickly. The legs
of the two criminals hanging at Jesus'
side are broken. But since Jesus is
already dead His side is pierced with a
spear instead and out flows blood and
water-proof that the King of the Jews
is truly dead.
That's when a secret disciple of Jesus
steps forward. Joseph of Arimathea is a
prominent member of the Jewish high
court who did not agree with their
decision to put Jesus to death. He
boldly steps out of the darkness and
asks Pilate for permission to bury Jesus'
body. Pilate grants it.
Another secret disciple joins him. The
Pharisee Nicodemus who had snuck
through the darkness of night to talk to
Jesus now steps into the light and helps
Joseph lay our Lord's body to rest in
Joseph's new tomb.
But it is only a rest. Death has no hold
over Jesus' body. It cannot even touch
His body with the stain of decay. On the
third day He will rise to life and live forever.
One day you and I will be laid in our own
graves. But for all of us who trust in Jesus
Christ as our Savior, our future will be the
same as His. Our bodies will rest in the
grave until He returns; then Jesus will
raise us to share paradise with Him forever.
Lord Jesus, thank You for hallowing our
graves through Your rest in the grave. Fill
us with joy and confidence-even in the face
of death-so that we will see You with our
own eyes when You come to wake our
bodies from death. Amen.
Lutheran Hour Ministries
13:49 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (1)