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For too long, the U.S. military has dismissed the problem
of sexual violence.

26,000 people were sexually assaulted in the U.S. armed
forces in the past year, according to the military’s own
report. That’s an average of 71 people per day. There is
a push to reform the system to better protect victims,
but military and political officials are obstructing it.
No one should have to work in an unsafe environment.

Those who choose to report this abuse often face
retaliation, or watch as the military establishment does
nothing to prosecute their attackers. Only 11% of
assaults are reported, and many of those who do not
report their attack feel like nothing will change if they
do. It’s not hard to see why: All decisions to hold
perpetrators accountable lie within the military chain
of command—not with independently trained prosecutors.

The military justice system leaves women and men with
nowhere to turn when they are assaulted.

Regardless of how we feel about the military, we can all
agree that any person who is raped or sexually
assaulted deserves support and compassion.
Perpetrators must be held accountable.

We hope you’ll join us in calling on Congress to
defend those in the military by protecting them from
sexual violence. We need your voice now.

In faith,

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Genesis 1:25
25 God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small
animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind.
And God saw that it was good. (NLT)


God saw that His work was good.  God felt really good
about what he had just accomplished.  Have you ever
notice that people sometimes feel guilty for having a good
time or for feeling good about and accomplishment, I
know that I sometimes do. 
You really don't have to feel this way.  Just as God felt good
about His work. we can be pleased with ours.  However, we
should not feel good about our work if God wouldn't be pleased with it. 


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What is mankind that you are mindful of them,
  human beings that you care for them?
You have made them a little lower than the angels
  and crowned them with glory and honor. —
Psalm 8:4–5

“The whole world was created for you. You were
brought to the world like a king and queen are
brought to a banquet – with everything prepared and
ready.” However, if humanity is not worthy, we say,
“You are the last, least, and lowest of all creations.
Even a tiny insect is greater than you.”

Whether we are majestic like kings and queens or
lower than a slug depends entirely on us. We
determine what we are worth by how we choose to
live our lives.

If we deny our godly nature and live a life filled with
physicality, solely focused on gaining pleasure and
power, then we are no greater than animals. But if
we live driven by service, godliness, and contribution,
then we can become nearly as great as angels.
Every day that we live, we are torn between our
animalistic drives and the soul that God placed
within us. We choose which drive will dominate our
lives, and that choice defines our identity.

Today, let’s choose God and be crowned with His

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

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