Read Luke 2:1-7.
And she gave birth to her firstborn Son and wrapped Him in
swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was
no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7
Now that Joseph and Mary were together as husband and wife
only one detail of prophecy remained to be fulfilled. Do you
remember our shelter and manger waiting patiently for Mary,
Joseph, and Jesus down in Bethlehem? Mary and Joseph are
70 miles away and have no plans for a trip south! The shelter
and manger will remain empty and Micah's prophecy unfulfilled-
unless God steps into human history once again.
So God steps in through the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus,
a powerful ruler at that time over the Mediterranean world.
Augustus issued a decree commanding a worldwide census. He
has no idea that he is an instrument in God's hand to fulfill the
words of the prophet, "But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are
too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come
forth for Me One who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth
is from of old, from ancient days" (Micah 5:2). Because of this
census Joseph sets out with his wife Mary to the little town of
While they were there the time came for Mary to give birth. And
since there was no room in the inn in the crowded city, she laid
her baby in our manger inside that lowly shelter.
So many people come out to church on this night. Often they're
people who have not been here since last Christmas Eve. And
sometimes they're people who will not set foot in church again
until next Christmas Eve. Like the crowds of Bethlehem, they
turn Jesus away from their hearts and make Him remain outside
in the cold. He faced that kind of rejection all through His earthly
life-all the way to His death. But He suffered it all to save us. No
matter who we are or what we have done, Jesus has won our
place in paradise by His perfect life and innocent suffering and
death as our Substitute.
Are you home for the holidays this Christmas Eve? As you
prepare to gather together with family and friends, don't forget to
gather with your Christian family. Not just tonight or tomorrow,
but all through the year. Don't leave Jesus in that manger as
though He never grew up to save you. Join us in your church
home as we follow Him through His childhood. Join us as He
takes on His life's work and goes to the cross to save us all
through His suffering, death, and glorious resurrection.
God grant you a joyous Christmas gathering together with your
family and friends at home, in your church home, and in eternity
in His heavenly home.
Heavenly Father, thank You for moving Augustus to issue a
decree so that Your Son would be born in the place You chose.
Prepare me to celebrate our Savior's birth this night, that He
might be born in my heart again, and that forgiven of all my sins
for His sake, I may rejoice in Your presence now and always. In
Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
14:55 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Pope writes a Christmas letter to Middle East’s persecuted
(The following is just 3 paragraphs taken from the Popes Letter)
Please during Christmas remember these persecuted brothers
and sisters in Christ.
Dear brothers and sisters who courageously bear witness to
Jesus in the land blessed by the Lord, our consolation and our
hope is Christ himself. I encourage you, then, to remain close
to him, like branches on the vine, in the certainty that no
tribulation, distress or persecution can separate us from him
(cf. Rom 8:35). May the trials which you are presently enduring
strengthen the faith and the fidelity of each and all of you!
I pray that you will be able to experience a fraternal
communion modelled on that of the first community of Jerusalem.
The unity willed by our Lord is more necessary than ever at
these difficult times; it is a gift from God, who appeals to our
freedom and awaits our response. May the word of God, the
sacraments, prayer and fellowship nourish and continually renew
your communities.
The situation in which you are you living is a powerful
summons to holiness of life, as saints and martyrs of every
Christian community have attested. I think with affection and
veneration of the pastors and faithful who have lately been killed,
often merely for the fact that they were Christians. I think also
of those who have been kidnapped, including several Orthodox
bishops and priests of various rites. May they soon return, safe
and sound, to their homes and communities! I ask God to grant
that all this suffering united to the Lord’s cross will bring about
much good for the Church and for all the peoples in the Middle
00:50 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Read Luke 1:26-38.
In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city
of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose
name was Joseph,of the house of David.... Luke 1:26-27A
Our Nativity scene has a shelter and a manger. Now it's time to
start adding the figures. My Nativity figures have a special
meaning for me because my dad hand painted each of them a
few years before he left us to go to his eternal home. He took
great care painting the faces of baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
the shepherds, the wise men and the angel. Now, because of his
faith in Jesus Christ his Savior, Dad has spent 22 years looking
at those same glorious faces in his heavenly home.
As we begin placing the figures into the Nativity scene let's take
some time to examine each one. It is interesting that a shelter
and manger stand ready in Bethlehem for that special night. But
look as hard as you want, you can't find the virgin mother in that
little town just south of Jerusalem. You have to travel 70 miles
north to the region of Galilee and to a town called Nazareth. That's
where a young virgin lives. That's where God sends His angel
Look closely at the virgin and the clothes she wears. It is obvious
this young woman has no claims to fame. Her family is not wealthy,
powerful, or influential. Her betrothed husband is a carpenter who
has no claim to fame either except, perhaps, that both he and his
virgin wife are descendants of King David. God could have selected
any virgin girl to be the mother of His Son, but He specifically
chose this young woman.
You and I are also unlikely people God has chosen. So often we
are self-absorbed and concerned about all the wrong things-problems
that in the end don't pile up to a hill of beans. These days before
Christmas we usually focus on the least significant things, and we
display our irritation and impatience to our families, co-workers, and
everyone we encounter who is standing in our way. Now is the time
to slow down and follow the story of our Savior's birth.
The angel explains to Mary that she will be the mother of God's Son
through the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit. He will be a holy
Child, whose Father is God. Being human He will be able to suffer
and die in our place. And being God's Son, He will be able to win
salvation for all people by His suffering and death on the cross, and
He will be able to stomp death into the dust.
This Christmas we would do well to learn from Mary's humility and
simple trust. "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me
according to your word. ..." (Luke 1:38a). When we approach
Christmas with that same trusting response, we will enjoy a more
profound and joyous celebration of our Savior's birth.
Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing an unknown virgin to be
the mother of Your Son. Give me true humility that I may live as
Your child and live with You in Your heavenly home forever. I pray
this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
15:02 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)