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(And Mary said) "He has brought down the mighty from
their thrones and exalted those of humble estate"
(Luke 1:52).     Read Luke 1:51-55.
I used to snoop around the house to find the presents
from mom and dad. Their solution was to wrap up the
presents a few weeks early, then put them under the tree
-- without any name tags on them. We examined those
packages with magnifying glasses but found no clue as to
which present belonged to which of us five boys. My
solution was daring and brilliant: I found the biggest
package under the tree and claimed it as my own.
Whenever we posed for pictures I stood by my beautiful,
huge present. Of course, on Christmas morning it always
ended up belonging to one of my brothers.
A few days back we discussed the stigma the Jewish
culture put upon childless couples like Zechariah and
Elizabeth. That proud and arrogant attitude plagued the
entire Jewish culture. It was commonly thought that God
showed His favor to certain people by giving them wealth,
power and prominence. And He showed His displeasure
to others through poverty, disease and a low social
Mary's experience shattered that foolish presumption.
God passed by all the virgin daughters of the rich,
powerful, prominent families in Jerusalem, and instead
He chose an unknown girl from an obscure city in the
despised north. Jesus would say it best, "Whoever exalts
himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself
will be exalted" (Matthew 23:12).
None of us can stand before our pure and holy God in our
own righteousness. Our only hope is through the humble
Christ Child, born in a lowly manger, nailed to a despised
cross, raised to glory on the third day, and seated at the
right hand of God the Father in heaven.
Heavenly Father, You humble the proud and raise up the
lowly. Turn me from my arrogant, sinful pride that I may
cling to Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior, my pride and
joy. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)

01:35 Posted in Blog, RELIGION | Permalink | Comments (0)



And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my
spirit rejoices in God my Savior" (Luke 1:46-47)
Read Luke 1:46-55.
One year in early December our old black-and-white
console television conked out on us. Mom covered
it with a white cloth and set up the manger scene on
top. On Christmas morning my parents lifted the
white cloth from the front of the set and suddenly we
had a brand new color television. Seeing all the
programs in color for the first time was amazing.
Mary had an experience something like that. First,
the angel's message, and now Elizabeth's greeting.
In response, she bursts out in praise, "My soul
magnifies the Lord!"
What a curious thing to say. She obviously doesn't
mean her soul or spirit has made God greater than
He already is. She means her mental image of God
has grown significantly. Previously, she thought
God would have sent His angel to the high priest's
daughter in Jerusalem or to a girl from a powerful,
influential and wealthy family. She surely didn't
think God would send an angel to a girl like her with
no fame, wealth or influence.
But God had noticed her -- a young, unknown girl
from an insignificant, little town that is never
mentioned throughout the entire Old Testament.
God chose her to be the mother of His Son.
When we recognize our unworthiness, our sin, our
failings, then God is ready to magnify Himself in our
eyes too. That's the secret of Christmas: the Christ
Child came to our world to take away our sin and
the punishment we deserve for it. Today He comes
to your house to live with you, give meaning to your
life, guard your ways, and even lead you through
death to life everlasting.
Heavenly Father, I am amazed You would concern
Yourself with someone like me. Thank You for
sending Your Son to save me and promising me
eternal life for His sake. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)

01:21 Posted in Blog, RELIGION | Permalink | Comments (0)



In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the
hill country, to a town in Judah, and she entered the
house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-40)
Read Luke 1:39-45.
Christmas trips were always so much fun. It was exciting
to see the Christmas decorations as we walked up to the
front door. I loved stepping inside and seeing the Christmas
tree, along with all the toys my cousins or friends had
gotten for Christmas. Then we'd pull out a few toys of our
own that we had brought along.
A Christmas trip to her relative is the first step on Mary's
new path. She sets out to see her cousin Elizabeth, who
is miraculously pregnant in her old age. Mary quickly travels
from the area of Galilee to Zechariah's home in Judea. Filled
with excitement she walks up to Elizabeth's door. Beaming
with joy she greets her aged cousin-and gets the surprise
of her life.
In a loud and excited voice Elizabeth proclaims, "Blessed
are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your
womb!" (Luke 1:42b). Mary is shocked and delighted. She
hasn't even had the chance to say anything more than
"hello," and immediately Elizabeth knows everything. The
Holy Spirit has revealed to her that the Child just beginning
to grow in Mary's womb is actually God's Son.
What a comfort for Mary! She won't face the awkward
explanation of the circumstances concerning her pregnancy,
or have to convince the priest's wife this was all God's doing.
In an instant, before Mary can say anything, the Holy Spirit
has done it all. God has led her to the one couple able to fully
understand and appreciate the amazing things God has done
for her.

Heavenly Father, thank You for faithful people like Elizabeth
who believe Your promises and share our faith. Bring us
together this Christmas season that we may rejoice together
and share our wonder at Your amazing love in Jesus Christ.
(Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)

01:16 Posted in Blog, RELIGION | Permalink | Comments (0)