I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you
not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and
rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19
For last year's words belong to last year's language and
next year's words await another voice. And to make an
end is to make a beginning.
-T.S. Eliot
God, as we celebrate a new year, we celebrate your new
creation that is springing forth. As we give new voice to
the new year's words, give us eyes to perceive your work.
14:27 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Read Matthew 2:9-11.
And going into the house they saw the Child with Mary His
mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. ...
Matthew 2:11A
The end has come. It's the end of our long Advent and
Christmas journey. The Nativity set is finally complete as the
wise men enter the scene and taken their place bowing down
before Jesus in worship.
It was a long journey for the wise men. After having traveled a
great distance from their land and after having met with King
Herod in Jerusalem, they set out for the final leg of their j
ourney. And that's when they saw the star that they had seen
in the East. It led them south to Bethlehem and stopped over
the place where the King of the Jews was to be found.
Matthew captured their great joy at seeing the star again when
he wrote, "And when they saw the star, they rejoiced
exceedingly with great joy" (Matthew 2:10).
Their gifts are precious reminders of the greatness of this Child
before whom they bow in worship. This Child who became one
of us is God's Anointed One. He took our place under the Law
to clothe us in His righteousness so that we might be worthy to
stand in heaven before our perfect Father. It is Jesus the
Messiah who took our guilt upon Himself and suffered and died
for our sins. This He did that we might be saved from damnation
and inherit eternal life with God in heaven.
That is where you and I stand this Epiphany. Our long journey
through life continues, but each day, like the wise men, we draw
nearer to our Father's heavenly home. There we will enter, bow
down, and worship our Savior -- the King of kings.
One day our long journey through this life will end. And when we
see the light of heaven our hearts will be overjoyed just like the
wise men as they saw the star again. Then we will enter paradise
to remain forever. There we will join Mary and Joseph, the
shepherds, the angels, and along with the wise men, we too will
fall down in worship and praise before Jesus Christ our Savior,
God our Father, and the Holy Spirit our Comforter.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the completion of this Advent and
Christmas journey. Continue to guide me in my life's journey by
Your Word and Sacraments, in company with my brothers and
sisters in faith, until I enter Your home for Your eternal gathering. I
ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ my Savior. Amen
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
14:35 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Read Matthew 2:7-8; 13-16.
... he became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children
in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under.
Matthew 2:16B
Simeon had warned Mary that Jesus would be a sign spoken
against. Here is the first proof. King Herod is so fearful of this new
King, and so enraged when the wise men do not report back His
location, that he orders the deaths of all male children two years
old and under. He is confident the new King will be caught up and
swept away in the process. Of course, God warned Joseph in a
dream, and Joseph fled in the middle of the night with Mary and
Jesus to find safety in Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15).
It is hard to read this passage without wondering why God would
permit King Herod to have heard the prophecy of Micah, especially
knowing what Herod would do. But in grace and mercy God was
reaching out with the saving Gospel to Herod just as He was
reaching out to the wise men. It is not God's fault. Rather, it is
Herod's fault alone that he chose to abuse his God-given authority
and murder those innocent boys in and around Bethlehem.
Of course, Herod failed to kill the Christ child, and ended up killing
those innocent boys instead. As his soldiers completed their
bloody mission in Bethlehem and its vicinity, Jesus was safely on
His way to Egypt. Jesus survived Herod's murderous attempt
because He did not come into this world to die as a baby. Nor did
He come to become a political ruler or king over the region of Israel.
He came to offer His life as a God-pleasing sacrifice to save the
world from its sin.
God is merciful to you and me too. If you have read each of these
devotions through the Advent and Christmas seasons, then you
have heard the marvelous story of God's love and salvation offered
to you freely through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. God calls
you to faith, trust, and eternal life through His Word. Yet He won't
force you to believe anymore than He forced Herod.
Too often, like Herod, we set our minds on our earthly kingdom and
reject the peace God offers us. But thankfully God continues to
stretch out His hand as He calls us, His own sons and daughters,
to be citizens of His Kingdom. He gives us church homes in which
He gathers us to hear His Word and celebrate the Sacraments. Both
of these He has provided to create and nurture faith within us
throughout our lives. And in the end, He will gather us into His eternal
God grant that we may respond to the news as the wise men did,
rejoicing to find our Savior and offer Him our praise and thanksgiving
Heavenly Father, You have been so merciful to all of us. Cleanse
me from my sins for Jesus' sake, and make me strong to walk before
You and share my Savior's Name with all people. In Jesus' Name.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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