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By Rev. Wayne Palmer

Read Luke 1:14-17. TEXT: "And he will turn many of the children
of Israel to the Lord their God, and he will go before Him....
" (Luke 1:16-17a).

The news Zechariah has heard from the angel is enough to make
his head spin. Not only will he finally become a father, his
miracle child will be a great prophet, bringing many of God's
people back to Him. But the angel is not finished yet. His son
John will "go before the Lord."

The reality behind these words is staggering. The time has finally
come. At last God is fulfilling His ancient promise to send the
Savior. The mighty, eternal Son of God is coming to His creation.
What a wondrous and amazing time to be alive! How much more
incredible to think their son, John, is God's hand-chosen prophet
to prepare the Jewish people for the Savior's coming. In fact, he
will point out the Messiah when He comes.

You and I also live in a remarkable time. In three weeks we will
remember and celebrate the wondrous birth of God's own Son.
In the upcoming months we will retrace His great works on our
behalf--including His suffering, death and resurrection, which
restored us to God, our Heavenly Father, and guaranteed
eternal life to all who trust in Him.

Christmas transforms you and me. Like John, the Holy Spirit
fills us, turning us back to God, and preparing us to share the
story of Jesus' salvation with the people in our lives. When we
tell others about Jesus, the Spirit prepares their hearts for His
coming as well.


Heavenly Father, thank You for turning my heart back to You
through Your Son Jesus. Please send me to share the story
of Jesus' life so that Your Spirit may turn others to Him,
through me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(By Rev. Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)

17:10 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)


By Rev. Wayne Palmer
December 5, 2015

Read Luke 1:13-15. TEXT: "... Your wife Elizabeth will bear
you a son, and you shall call his name John" (Luke 1:13b).

The time has finally come. At long last Zechariah's wife will
conceive and bear him a son--his own son, from his own
body. The angel even passes along the name God has
personally chosen for this child.

The name John means "The Lord is gracious." It reflects
several things. First would be God's personal grace for
Zechariah and Elizabeth. This child will be a daily reminder
of His grace to the aged couple--enlivening their home and
filling their hearts with joy and gladness.

But God won't restrict His grace to just this little family of
three. He wants to extend it far beyond. Through this child,
God will pour out His grace upon the whole people of Israel
and still further beyond. For this child will be the messenger
who prepares the way for God's own Son. Through John's
baptism, Jesus Christ will step forward and reveal God's
amazing grace in His life and ministry, in His suffering,
death and resurrection.

Similarly, God personally showers His grace upon you by
forgiving your sins and promising to be with you always as
He leads you to the eternal pleasures of heaven.

But He doesn't want to restrict His grace to you alone.
Through you, He wants to enrich the lives of your family,
friends, neighbors, fellow students, teachers, co-workers--
even strangers. As you treat the people in your life with
kindness, respect, love, concern and dignity, you show
God's grace to a hurting world. And like John, when you
tell them about Jesus, you prepare the way for Him to
come into their lives.


Heavenly Father, as You worked through John to prepare
the way for Jesus, work through my words and actions
so that my friends, family, and even the strangers I meet
may live in Jesus. I pray this in His Name. Amen.

(By Rev. Wayne Palmer
December 5, 2015 Lutheran Hour Ministries)

01:07 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



Read Psalm 113. TEXT: ..."Your prayer has been heard"
 (Luke 1:13b).

According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, about six percent of married women
between 15 and 44 years of age are unable to get
pregnant. Infertility is extremely frustrating. Your
hopes rise, only to be dashed month after month,
year after year. What happens to a couple's dreams
and prayers when they watch months, years,
sometimes even decades pass with no child, no
pregnancy? Time has a way of silencing those
prayers, but it does not diminish the hurt and grief.

By the time Zechariah stands before the angel in
the temple, his prayers are a distant memory. But
decades before, when Zechariah and Elizabeth were
pouring out their heartfelt prayers, God's answer to
them was "Yes--but not yet." God was waiting until
His time was right. He knew a certain young girl had
yet to be born. Only when she would grow old enough
to become the virgin mother of His Son could this
couple conceive and give birth to their precious son.

Of course, Zechariah and Elizabeth never knew that
answer. All they had were the cold, hard facts that
convinced them God's answer had been "No."
Sometimes reality is so hard, so dark, uncaring, and
cold. Our prayers seem to go unanswered, and we
become disillusioned with God.

God's timing for our lives doesn't always work out the
way we would like. Sometimes our prayers seem to
go unanswered. But we need to remember that our
God is wise and loving, and has plans to prosper our
 lives--not ruin them. For Zechariah and Elizabeth, the
long anticipated wait will definitely prove to have been
worth it. And the incredible honor God will bestow on
their son will be indescribable.


Heavenly Father, forgive me for questioning Your love
when You answer my prayers with "no" or "wait.
" Strengthen my faith that I may so trust Your fatherly l
ove that I pray "not my will, but Yours be done." In
Jesus' Name. Amen.

(By Rev. Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries
December 4, 2015)

12:32 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)