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"…we who are still alive and remain on earth will be
caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air
and remain with him forever."
1 Thessalonians 4:17 NLT

"The story is told of an old missionary couple
returning to the States after many years of thankless
service in Africa. They happened to be on the same
ship to New York as President Theodore Roosevelt,
who was returning from a big game hunt in Africa. As
the ship pulled past the Statue of Liberty and into the
dock, huge crowds were gathered to welcome him
home. The press was out in full force, and thousands
of people had come to get a glimpse of the president.

In the middle of the chaos, the aged missionary
couple fought their way through the crowds with their
large suitcases in tow. Silently they hailed a cab and
made their way to a cheap hotel. The missionary sat
on the bed and said to his wife, "It just doesn't seem
right. We gave our lives to Christ to win souls for the
Kingdom in Africa, and when we arrive home there is
no one here to meet us. The president shoots a few
animals and receives a royal welcome."

His wife sat beside him on the bed and said softly,
"That's because we're not home yet, dear."

It may seem at times as if our work for Christ is going
unnoticed. Faith doesn't bring a lot of praise on this
earth. But that's only because our trip is not yet over.

Our day will come, you can be sure. And when it does,
the ceremony will last for an eternity.

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Imagine someone is a compulsive gambler. It’s hard to
overcome any addiction, and this person tries
unsuccessfully to break out of the gambling cycle.
Then one day, he hits rock bottom. He is deeply in debt
and his wife leaves him. The man feels incredible pain
and regret. He feels it so intensely that he resolves, like
never before, to break his habit once and for all. Every
time he is tempted to revert to his old ways, he thinks
of the pain he once knew. He beats his habit, rebuilds
his life, and finds himself stronger than ever before.
What brought him down leads to his pathway up.

Instead of being upset at our inability to change, let’s
use our frustration as the reason to change. The very
shovel that dug our ditch can become the very tool that
helps us dig our way out.

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

(excerpts taken from Holy Land Moments)

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God will wipe away sorrow forever

God feels empathy for our hardships


Then Jesus wept. The people who were standing nearby
said, "See how much he loved him ."
John 11:35-36 NLT

But as they came closer to Jerusalem and Jesus saw the
city ahead, he began to cry.

"I wish that even today you would find the way of peace.
But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from you.
Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your
walls and encircle you and close in on you. They will crush
you to the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies
will not leave a single stone in lace, because you have
rejected the opportunity God offered you."
Luke 19: 41-44 NLT

Jesus' example

The story of Lazarus's death and resurrection (John 11:1-44)
contains a profound teaching about sorrow. When Jesus
arrived and was taken to the graveside, he wept openly.
Onlookers were impressed with the power of his grief and
immediately recognized it as an indication of his great love:
"See how much he loved him," they said.

The tears Jesus shed that day forever validate the experience
of human sorrow and grief. Even though we have the hope of
resurrection and we know that for the believer physical death
is not the final word, our tears and sorrow are appropriate and
good. How comforting to know that God himself is willing to
walk the way of sorrow with us! Is there any sorrow that you
have been unable to express fully? You can share it with the
Lord, for he understands your grief fully.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation
and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

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