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This week, Senator Jeff Sessions said we have
no “moral or legal responsibility to reward
somebody who entered the country [without
documentation].” [1] His comment ignores the
fact that any path to citizenship for undocumented
immigrants is likely to involve fines and penalties.
More important, he is just wrong. As Christians
we have a clear, moral responsibility to care about
every child of God, regardless of their documentation

This statement is a direct challenge to the growing
support from people of faith for immigration reform.
We need to remind Sen. Sessions that our moral
responsibility is real.

Immigration reform is not about politics. It is about
the biblical call to welcome the stranger and care
for the least of these. We have a moral responsibility
to fix the broken immigration system that is hurting
our brothers and sisters. Both Republicans and
Democrats agree that a solution should include a
roadmap to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring
Americans who are contributing to our society.

Sen. Sessions’ statement cannot go unchallenged.
Tell the senator that you believe we have a moral
responsibility to care about ALL our sisters and


23:38 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)



Read Luke 22:35-38, 47-53.
TEXT: "Lord, shall we strike with the sword?"
(see Luke 22:49).

While still in the upper room, Jesus had told His
disciples, "Let the one who has no sword sell his
cloak and buy one." The disciples had answered,
"Look, Lord, here are two swords." When Jesus
said, "It is enough," Peter took one of those
swords along to the Mount of Olives.

Now as they see Jesus surrounded by the temple
guards, the disciples ask if He wants them to
attack with the sword. But before Jesus can
answer, Peter draws out his sword and strikes it
against a guard standing nearby. Apparently, he
was trying to split the man's skull and missed,
cutting off his right ear instead. It may seem
strange for one lone man to attack a whole
company of armed men, but Peter was going to
do his part to set Jesus free.

Knowing Peter's attack could lead the guards to
draw their swords and attack the disciples, Jesus
steps forward and takes charge of the situation.
He miraculously heals the servant's ear and brings
peace and order back to the garden. This will be
Jesus' last miracle before His death and
resurrection. It is important to note He does it for
one of the enemies who has come to arrest Him
and lead Him to His death.

Does Judas see this miracle? It is proof that Jesus
is still concerned for His enemies. He is willing to
forgive Judas and restore him-if only he will believe
it in his hour of guilt and regret.


Lord Jesus, You put Peter's sword back into its
sheath and showed kindness to a stricken enemy,
as You went forward to save us by Your suffering
and death. In all times, and especially in danger,
help me entrust myself into Your mighty
hands. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

13:55 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)




Read Luke 22:47-48.
TEXT: But Jesus said to him, "Judas, would you
betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"
(Luke 22:48).

Jesus awakens His disciples. While He is telling
them to stay awake and pray, Jewish temple
guards come forward with Judas at the lead. They
come in force to maintain control, as they take
Jesus into custody. Their presence will be
especially necessary if word should get out to the
great crowd of Jewish pilgrims, hanging on Jesus'
words in the temple.

The large number of temple guards is worthless.
If Jesus didn't want to be arrested, He could
overpower all of them with a word, or He could call
on His Father to send an angel army 72,000 strong.
Instead, He submits to His Father's will. But He
does not remain silent. He speaks one last time to
Judas, trying to awaken his conscience. "Judas,
are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" The
betrayer's hypocrisy is striking, using something as
familiar as a kiss and making it the instrument by
which he would deliver Jesus over to His enemies.

But Judas does not see his guilt or his shame. He
kisses Jesus in order to distinguish Him from the
other disciples. But even this is unnecessary. Jesus
is already stepping forward to put Himself in their hands.

This must have been one of the most painful things
for Jesus. In this bitter betrayal, one that He loved
now turned against Him with a simple kiss. But that
was not all. Jesus knew Judas wouldn't recognize the
terrible thing he just did, and later he would rush off in
despair and take his own life.


Lord Jesus, how sharp the pain You suffered as Judas
whom You loved betrayed You with  a kiss! Forgive me
the times I thoughtlessly betray You.    Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

13:52 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)