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7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.
She wrapped him in cloths and placed him
in a manger, because there was no guest
room available for them.
(Luke 2:7) TNIV


Nine-year-old Wally was a hopeful boy, a
natural defender of the underdog, and
well-liked by his fellow classmates. His
parents encouraged him to audition for
the annual Church Christmas play and
Wally wanted to be a shepherd. Instead,
he was given the role of the innkeeper.
The director reasoned that Wally's size
would lend extra force to the innkeeper's
refusal of lodging to Joseph. During
rehearsals, Wally was instructed to be
firm with Joseph. When the play opened,
no one was more caught up in the action
than Wally. And when Joseph knocked
on the door of the inn, Wally was ready.
He flung the door open and asked
menacingly, "What do you want?"
"We seek lodging," Joseph replied.
"Seek it elsewhere," Wally said in a firm
voice. "There's no room in the inn."
"Please, good innkeeper," Joseph pleaded,
"this is my wife, Mary. She is with child
and is very tired. She needs a place to rest.
" There was a long pause as Wally looked
down at Mary. The prompter whispered
Wally's next line: "No! Be gone!" Wally
remained silent. Then the forlorn couple
turned and began to slowly move away.
Seeing this, Wally's brow creased with
concern. Tears welled up in his eyes.
Suddenly, he called out, "Don't go! You
can have my room."

Jesus Christ came into the world to open
up for us the door to eternal life; to invite
us to share in his life of intimate union
with the Father. In and through Jesus Christ,
God invites us into His space, the place
where He lives. God is calling us into the
Kingdom prepared for us "from the foundation
of the world," where there is always room for
one more -- always room for you....

(Sunday Sermons Online)

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Third Sunday Sunday of Advent

[Light the first and second candles
of the Advent wreath.]

If Jesus comes to us again at Christmas this
year, and if Jesus dwells within each of us,
shouldn't that make a difference in who we
are and how we live our lives? Hear these
words from 1st Thessalonians:

    "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

    "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise
the words of the prophets, but test everything;
hold fast to what is good; abstain from every
form of evil."

    "May the God of peace himself sanctify
you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and
body be kept sound and blameless at the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

    "The one who calls you is faithful, and he will
do this." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-24)

If we seek Jesus, who is born in the manger,
shouldn’t we:

…be at peace among ourselves?
   …help the weak and the poor?
      …not repay evil for evil, but always do good
to one another?
         …in all circumstances, give thanks?

[Light the third candle of the Advent wreath.]

As we light this third candle, let us remember that
this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, who comes to us.


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Read Isaiah 40:1-5.

And the glory of the Lord
shall be revealed .... (Isaiah 40:5a)


It's only the fifth of December,
but many of us are in a near panic.
There are so many things to do to
get ready for Christmas: presents,
decorations, cookies, cards, parties,
and the list goes on and on. (Is it
just me, or are they speeding up the
Christmas music like the last minute
of a Mario game?) With all the hustle
and bustle where can we find the
peace and joy we most want this

It makes me think of that first
Christmas when Mary and Joseph
had just traveled 80 miles from their
home in Nazareth to the little town
of Bethlehem. Mary was about to give
birth and Joseph was trying to find a
place for her. I imagine he knocked on
quite a few doors, but no one could
make room for the out-of-towners.
Finally, they settled on a shelter for

How many of those people would have
gladly opened their homes if they knew
who was standing outside? Each of
them was busy with their own lives
and families-too busy to welcome God's
Son into their home.

In the brief moments of these devotions
God's Son is quietly knocking at your
door too, waiting for you to set down all
your Christmas preparations and welcome
Him inside. He has come to remove
your guilt, calm your fears, carry your
burdens and provide for your needs. He
wants to assure you God is at peace with
you because of His perfect life and
innocent suffering and death, and when
He returns you will live with Him in
unending peace and joy.


Great Son of God, thank You for coming
to me in this hour. Quiet the busyness in
my mind and fill me with Your peace and
forgiveness, so that I may resume my
Christmas preparations with joy and gratitude.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

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